PUBLIC ART & Culture MASTER plan

Des Moines Metro Seeks to Enhance its Business and Residential Qualities Through Integrated Cultural Support

Beginning in 2020 and completed in 2022, the City of Grimes, IA participated in civic input and comprehensive research processes to build an inventory of cultural supports ready to implement to maximize economic and quality of life growth opportunities.

Grimes Public Art and Culture Master Plan offers a vision that aligns visual and thematic touches with citizens’ cultural values, supported by the City’s goals and strategies. Integrating cultural features and programming with existing city investments will save money and deliver on the intentions
of the strategic plan. Among many, these intentions include beautifying shared spaces and building a sense of place within Grimes that make citizens proud and bring visitors back. The following plan will guide investment to maximize impact, reduce risk, and align cultural production with bigger civic goals. It is an actionable tool that will be used as a road map for Grimes’ commissions, city departments, organizational stakeholders, and individual constituents to maximize public art in support of the goals of the community. The arts are more than decoration, they work hard for communities by aligning with other civic goals and initiatives.



Grimes Public Art Master Plan


Research & Strategy


City of Grimes

Grimes City Council 

Grimes City Staff 


Cities that integrate art, design, and culture while simultaneously investing in infrastructure and amenities gain the distinction and competitive advantage required for recruitment and retention in workforce and business development.


The Process

The planning process employed a wide range of methodologies to ensure diverse perspectives were included in the vision for the Grimes Arts and Culture Master Plan.Consultants from Group Creative Services conducted dozens of interviews, several focus groups, and an online community survey. Additionally, the consultants looked at existing plans, surveys and other community initiatives to understand the current landscape of the community, its key concerns and swell of opportunities. This plan is poised to be integrated into future capital projects and inform future private development projects.



The Grimes Public Arts Master Plan identifies placemaking themes that Grimes can apply throughout the community and includes significant civic action and investment opportunities. Reinforcing these themes is an opportunity for Grimes to shine as a regional leader and a place where people love to live and work. Cultural strength, along with infrastructure, public amenities, and private development creates and reinforces civic identity. Incorporation of these placemaking themes edify Grimes’ assets and thereby sustain growth, while maintaining citizens’ highly desired sense of connectedness and reflection of their values in their city.


our recommendations

This plan will align with and contribute to the influential plans and organizations already guiding Grimes toward a future of civic and cultural growth. With this plan, we align with the City’s existing 2027 goals: 

+ A Great Place to Live Through Expanded Quality of Life Amenities 

+ A Dynamic Town with a Strong Sense of Community 

+ More Beautiful, Vibrant Community 

+ A City with Sustainable Systems to Support Art and Culture 


The arts are more than decoration,
they work hard for communities.